Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Study Skill 2

I have received numerous emails regarding how to improve the academic results in a short cut.. the answer is .. there is none but to start early and to study hard + smart. During my study years, i realized that the study hard if doing in a smart way save a lot of your time in preparation for the exams. So, there is no short cut for people like us, like me and you.. unless you are a super intelligent person a.k.a. genius , then that probably will have a totally different definition for you.

Remember that during our school days we were taught how to use a timetable to study? early primary school years, our timetable consists of 5-days classes... in our secondary school we expand the 5-days classes to also include those 5-days extra curricular activity (ko-kurikulum) and all other related classes like tuition, sekolah agama, that extra class here and that extra class there.

Unfortunately when we entered university we often neglected what was learnt before.. that is a timetable. now, the best way to utilize it is to include not only your 5-days classes or 5 -days extra curricular activities but extend it to 7-days 24-hrs that you have.. how to do that? suggest to me your opinion, even a scrabble one from your hand notes, from powerpoint or excel.. email to your mentor(s) or to me at zueika(at)gmail(dot)com ..

hope to get the news from your soon...

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