Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Study Skill

Assalamualaikum wbt to all brothers and sisters..

How have you all been? I hope everyone is in good spirit.
As for me (and us-all mentors), alHamdulillah we are still surviving despite of many challenges facing in the start of year 2011.

We are already in the month of February 2011. That is already 2 months back that we had our BREED program together in MMU.
However, up till now we have not heard so much from you all. I am not sure if you all are contacting some of your other mentor(s) personally. If it is yes, alHamdulillah. I hope you benefited from your communications with your mentor(s). If you have not doing anything yet, please do so. It is still not too late. Remember, if you do it, you get it. We are here to share our experiences in most things (inshaAllah) from study to carrier (work?) to personal.

From my last email, only few turned out to reply to us. Do not be alarmed. If you feel shy to talk publicly, do email us personally.

Today, i would like to share one thing that was once haunted me when i was a student - the study skill for a university students. I believe, most of you were doing well in your schools or perhaps extremely well.. We have a lot of study techniques or methods .. Some absorbs best at very early of the morning, while some stay up late at night.. Most of us will be using the same techniques when we entered university, with hope that we can perform if not better, the same as what we get when we were in school.. But, unfortunately most of us found out it did not works.. So, what is wrong with that? Is that the aging factor (dah jadi tua, so susah nak ingat?) , we are decreasing our intelligence? or is that we have not study that much (tapi rasanya dah banyak nota macam2 warna tulis untuk macam2 subjek).. ?

Do you feel like that? Does it makes you think how to get involve in society, extra activities when you feel that you should have more time to study to improve your marks? But the seniors (we counted! :D) said, it is important to balance your life..
I am not sure about others, but to me and some of my friends back then this is the main difficulty that we were facing.
Until we understand one thing and discover one secret behinds.. that is, whatever techniques you learn in does not work anymore here.. unless we improvise the technique..

How did we do it?
Let's see.. if any one is interested to hear my side of story?
Kak Aini, Kak Sarah and her husband, bro Anuar may share later as well.. :D

There is a proverb that 'there is nothing free as a free lunch'..
so, here is the deal.. you tell me your story on how do you manage your study time .. We'll share what we saw, felt and did in the past. If you have your timetable, do share with us on how do you manage it.. How you feel with what have you do so far?.. Do put feedback and opinion does it work for you or not?

The due date will be in one week from now.
So tell your other friends to share too...

Remember, if you do it, you will get it.
If you don't, you will get nothing.. :)

Kak Ika