Thursday, August 4, 2011

The updates


It has been quite sometimes since we were last updated this blog.
We apologize for this quite abandon place given our limited time and priority.
Nevertheless, i hope that the spirit still continues in the heart of young, talented people like you guys and girls out there.

The last time we requested for some feedback, though it was not that many but still having some support. Thank you for those who share their thoughts here and in emails. We appreciate all kind of feedback.

Alhamdulillah, in this month of Ramadhan everyone is looking forward to practice as many goodness as possible to gain as much 'rewards' from Allah SWT as possible. Let's not stop doing the good deeds even a short 'hello' and Assalamualaikum with a nice smile that can brighten up someone's day is already a sadaqah, what's more the point is even higher during this month. So grab the chance will it lasts.

On the other hand, i have shared with my other fellow brothers and sisters that i currently met in my new tasks. They are all fresh from SPM, and i hope they will keep their promise to at least give a try for one semester on the technique that i taught them. So, i am still waiting for the result from them..

Have any of you doing it before? perhaps you can share the experience and the success story with us here.. Looking forward to that!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Ramadhan Mubarak


Dearest readers,
We wish you a very happy Ramadhan.
May we work hard this month to get as much 'rewards' and 'baraqah'.

Breed Mentors

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Life is about making choices

Assalamu`alaikum warahmatullah

This is my first post here at MMU Breed. I had been reading this blog for a while and my friend, Ieka authorised my few weeks ago, but maybe due to time constraint, I wasn't able to update this blog as much as I wanted to.

How's everybody is doing? I may lack in e-mailings our mentee, blame me on the lack of follow up. Since December, there are many things that I had to cope with. Work, raising my children and extra-curricular activities. Yup, you read it correct, I am still actively involved in extra-curricular activities.

I attempted few things that I'd always wanted to do. Since my divorce, I attended short courses in writing, weekend courses conducted by Al-Kauthar , an informal student in hadeeth study even editing manuscripts! Things that I never imagine I would have done if I was still married, and things that I would not have done if I don't want to!

I know, some of you may think, being a woman, you have to do other responsibilities as well, sharpen your soft skills to become a much better person - whether as a student, a daughter or even potential wife. But, I always believe being a woman, you shoulder great responsibilities, but you also should not limit yourself. Remember the proverb: the sky is the limit!

You'll be surprised to know that I attended the courses by myself (alone), commitment to study and enhance my knowledge in religious education and trying out new skill by becoming an editor! I'd never thought it was possible before.

There are many priorities that we must set in life, and there are lots of things to be explored. How about challenging yourself? By trying out new things that maybe mind boggling indeed. I furthered my study when I had just delivered my son. At certain occasions, I do cry while doing my masters, and sometimes, it had me thinking, why I'm doing this?

The truth is this, there are always hurdles in life. You must overcome that hurdle. Some matters or events may not be to your liking, but that doesn't mean you have to give up easily. It's how you hold yourself despite the hurdles that you encounter. And when you overcome the hurdles, you'll be looking back and say this is easy.

How many of us had ever experienced the anxiety of exams? Major examinations such as SPM? Looking back, I believe we're born fighters. Fighting for the best, fighting temptations such as illicit sex, clubbing or even trying our best to guard our gazes as to please God. We're the best of the best to lead in this world. Allah created us as among His best creations.

Do we need to change our values just because we want to achieve something?

Before I end my write up, I leave you this article to ponder upon.

Hidup Adalah Ujian Membuat Pilihan

Kita dituntut belajar tentang Sunnatullah supaya kita faham bagaimana Allah mensistemkan alam dan kehidupan ini. Dari situlah kita dituntut supaya hidup dengan mematuhi sistem Allah ke atas alam dan kehidupan ini. Itulah ujian kehidupan. Kita diuji, sama ada nak susun hidup ikut peraturan kehidupan yang Allah telah tetapkan atau tidak. Dan oleh kerana cause and effect atau Sunnatullah yang Allah tetapkan itu Maha Luas hingga banyak yang tidak sampai di akal manusia, apakah akibatnya jika memilih satu-satu pilihan dalam hidup ini, maka di situlah peranan Syariatullah. Peraturan yang disebut sebagai peraturan agama, diberikan oleh Allah sebagai pembimbing kepada manusia untuk membuat pilihan yang betul

Kak Aini

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Study Skill 3 : Which one is better?

Timetable A

Timetable B

Above are 2 timetables for a different person.. Person A for timetable A, person B for timetable B. 0600 means 6.00am and 2300 means 11pm. In your opinion , as a university student, which one is better to follow, Person A or Person B?

Which one you think is better?
Cast your vote now.. Please share your thoughts on the poll at the sidebar.. "Which one is better". or even better, please share your thoughts on the comment below..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Study Skill 2

I have received numerous emails regarding how to improve the academic results in a short cut.. the answer is .. there is none but to start early and to study hard + smart. During my study years, i realized that the study hard if doing in a smart way save a lot of your time in preparation for the exams. So, there is no short cut for people like us, like me and you.. unless you are a super intelligent person a.k.a. genius , then that probably will have a totally different definition for you.

Remember that during our school days we were taught how to use a timetable to study? early primary school years, our timetable consists of 5-days classes... in our secondary school we expand the 5-days classes to also include those 5-days extra curricular activity (ko-kurikulum) and all other related classes like tuition, sekolah agama, that extra class here and that extra class there.

Unfortunately when we entered university we often neglected what was learnt before.. that is a timetable. now, the best way to utilize it is to include not only your 5-days classes or 5 -days extra curricular activities but extend it to 7-days 24-hrs that you have.. how to do that? suggest to me your opinion, even a scrabble one from your hand notes, from powerpoint or excel.. email to your mentor(s) or to me at zueika(at)gmail(dot)com ..

hope to get the news from your soon...


Bismillahi walhamdulillah

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Adik-adik, sahabat seperjuangan yang dikasihi Allah sekalian,

Terlebih dahulu saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada sebilangan peserta BMU yang menyertai rombongan bas MMU hadir ke majlis perkahwinan Zul & Norazini tempohari. Noktah.

Hampir 3 purnama selepas program Bengkel Mahasiswa Unggul kita anjurkan bersama dengan input dan komitmen 100% daripada pihak Alumni untuk bersama-sama adik-adik sekalian mengharungi perjuangan muslim di bumi MMU Melaka. Sekadar coretan ringkas untuk bertanya khabar dan mendapatkan maklumbalas kalian.

A. Program yang telah dianjurkan adalah 100% berdasarkan input daripada penganjur iaitu IU Melaka. Objektif yang dicadangkan hanya kami olah menjadi satu program yang 'visible' untuk dihadiri oleh adik-adik semua. Seingat saya, antara objektif utamanya adalah,

1. merapatkan ukhuwwah dan mengenal rakan seperjuangan semuslim
2. berjuang bersama-sama merebut kembali kewibawaan kepimpinan muslim di MMU
3. merekrut sahabat-sahabat lain agar turut bersama dalam perjuangan yang insyaAllah akan diredhai Allah ini.

Jadi harapan kami yang telah bersengkang mata berminggu-minggu, mengorbankan secebis kehidupan manusia normal dan berkeluarga ini, adalah agar adik-adik sekalian dapat menyelami objektif ini dengan sepenuhnya. Tambahan pula ia datang daripada idea antum sekalian juga. Harapnya janganlah ada kata-kata tidak jelas objektif muncul pada saat-saat ini, kerana ia hanya akan memperlihatkan kelemahan kita mentafsir persekitaran semasa. Wal'iyazubillah jika itu yang terdetik dalam fikiran para pimpinan sekalian.

B. Sepanjang program berlangsung, pelbagai kaedah dan pendekatan telah dibuat, kerana para fasilitator sedar, pesertanya bukan sejenis akal. Ada yang jauh, ada yang dekat fikirnya. Ada yang tegak, ada yang menyimpang fikirnya. Jadi maaflah jika ada yang tidak terkejar, cuma harapan kami, bertanyalah bila ketinggalan. Mencarilah bila pemahaman itu hilang.

C. Di akhir program, kita memutuskan untuk menjalankan konsep ahli-cari-ahli. Dikenali juga dengan kaedah pengkaderan atau rekrut. Semuanya bersetuju pada masa itu. Dan harapan kami abang-kakak di sini agar persetujuan tempoh hari disusuli dengan langkah seterusnya secara SERIUS untuk mencari rekrut masing-masing. Kami sebagai abang dan kakak yang pernah berada di tempat adik-adik sekalian dapat 'merasai' kesukaran mencari rekrut ini. TETAPI, ingatlah, inilah Sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w. Bagaimana Islam yang diwahyukan oleh Jibril dapat disebarkan jika tidak ada proses rekrut dan pengkaderan? Jika terdetik di dalam hati adik-adik sekalian rasa malas mencari rekrut masing-masing, istighfarlah, kalian semakin jauh dari ajaran yang dipelopori RasulNya. Dan jika ada usaha, tetapi tidak berjaya, bergembiralah, kerana soalan Allah di hari akhirat kelak pasti kita sudah ada jawapannya. Iaitu, SAYA TELAH BERUSAHA DENGAN SEDAYA UPAYA DAN BUKANNYA REBAH MALAS DI AWAL JALAN!

D. Akhir sekali, janjinya, April ini satu pertemuan dengan kumpulan-kumpulan kecil untuk mengemaskini perkembangan program akan diadakan. Diikuti dengan program bersama para rekrut pada Jun/Julai akan datang. Harapnya sudah berhubung atau dihubungi oleh fasilitator masing-masing. Dan para fasilitator, jika belum dihubungi, pohon hubungi segera para mad'u yang sentiasa lari ini. Itulah hakikat perjuangan.

Kesimpulannya, saya cabar 4 perkara :

1. Tafsirkan objektif, dan belajar mengambil pendekatan mahu dan cuba memahami yang tersurat dan tersirat
2. Fleksibel dalam bergerak-kerja, namun satu hati dalam bermatlamat
3. Rekrut ahli. Bukan mengharapkan Allah turunkan tenteraNya membantu kita yang kurang berusaha
4. Teruskan program seperti dijanjikan bersama sebelum ini.

Gagal menyahut cabaran abang ini, maknanya, adik-adik mungkin beruntung kerana tidak perlu kerja lebih. Dan kami juga tidak rugi kerana masa akan lebih banyak untuk meneruskan kehidupan berdakwah, berkerjaya dan berkeluarga kami. Walau apa pun keputusan yang diambil, langkah seterusnya diharapkan tidak merugikan ISLAM dan UMMAH.

Fikir-fikirkanlah. Dan bincang-bincangkanlah!

Mohd Zainal Badri Mustafar

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Study Skill

Assalamualaikum wbt to all brothers and sisters..

How have you all been? I hope everyone is in good spirit.
As for me (and us-all mentors), alHamdulillah we are still surviving despite of many challenges facing in the start of year 2011.

We are already in the month of February 2011. That is already 2 months back that we had our BREED program together in MMU.
However, up till now we have not heard so much from you all. I am not sure if you all are contacting some of your other mentor(s) personally. If it is yes, alHamdulillah. I hope you benefited from your communications with your mentor(s). If you have not doing anything yet, please do so. It is still not too late. Remember, if you do it, you get it. We are here to share our experiences in most things (inshaAllah) from study to carrier (work?) to personal.

From my last email, only few turned out to reply to us. Do not be alarmed. If you feel shy to talk publicly, do email us personally.

Today, i would like to share one thing that was once haunted me when i was a student - the study skill for a university students. I believe, most of you were doing well in your schools or perhaps extremely well.. We have a lot of study techniques or methods .. Some absorbs best at very early of the morning, while some stay up late at night.. Most of us will be using the same techniques when we entered university, with hope that we can perform if not better, the same as what we get when we were in school.. But, unfortunately most of us found out it did not works.. So, what is wrong with that? Is that the aging factor (dah jadi tua, so susah nak ingat?) , we are decreasing our intelligence? or is that we have not study that much (tapi rasanya dah banyak nota macam2 warna tulis untuk macam2 subjek).. ?

Do you feel like that? Does it makes you think how to get involve in society, extra activities when you feel that you should have more time to study to improve your marks? But the seniors (we counted! :D) said, it is important to balance your life..
I am not sure about others, but to me and some of my friends back then this is the main difficulty that we were facing.
Until we understand one thing and discover one secret behinds.. that is, whatever techniques you learn in does not work anymore here.. unless we improvise the technique..

How did we do it?
Let's see.. if any one is interested to hear my side of story?
Kak Aini, Kak Sarah and her husband, bro Anuar may share later as well.. :D

There is a proverb that 'there is nothing free as a free lunch'..
so, here is the deal.. you tell me your story on how do you manage your study time .. We'll share what we saw, felt and did in the past. If you have your timetable, do share with us on how do you manage it.. How you feel with what have you do so far?.. Do put feedback and opinion does it work for you or not?

The due date will be in one week from now.
So tell your other friends to share too...

Remember, if you do it, you will get it.
If you don't, you will get nothing.. :)

Kak Ika